Should I report a no fault accident?

Someone hit my car from behind and have taken responsibility for it with no problems. Their insurance contacted me before I phoned mine. They've said as I'm going through them, I do not have to let my insurance know and I do not need to put it down as an incident when I renew next year. Is this right?

Asked on 21 September 2020 by Amanda Phillips

Answered by Honest John
Firstly, I would avoid dealing directly with the other party's insurer. Having the liable party be the paymaster of repair is always in conflict to your interest. Should things go wrong, you would have no rights to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service; you are completely unprotected. You will need to inform your insurer when obtaining a new quote that you have been involved in a "non fault" incident. Though, in this situation, I would suggest either using a claims management company or claim via your insurer.
Tags: insurance
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